Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What are you doing here?

I always kind of hoped that I'd use this blog to write the rough draft of a memoir of my career coaching cheer. That was pretty ambitious and frankly, pretty pretentious.

There have always been a few problems with that idea anyway. I'm always too busy and too undisciplined to actually work on it. I have this compulsion to have people able to see what I write (even though they may not care and it may not be very good) which conflicts with the compulsion I have to avoid criticism and conflict.

And... blogs really shouldn't be used as diaries; personal, emotional, and raw. Since Blogs are automatically on the Web and therefore available to the whole world- its not a great idea to write what you really feel, while you're feeling it while still professionally engaged with who/what you're feeling it about.

For these reasons, in case you hadn't noticed, I've pretty well left this blog fallow for a while now.

At any rate, while I may or may not abandon this blog entirely (this conglomeration of blogs really), I've been wanting to streamline &/or consolidate all of them for a while now, so I've started something new: http://tedmallory.wordpress.com

Please follow the link and take a look. I'm hoping to revitalize my blogging by making doing it more consistently and having each post be more brief and focused. I hope you'll like it and follow me at the new single blog site. Thanks. See you there.